Friday, July 4, 2014

Holy COW this is hard to keep up with!

I knew that starting a blog would mean I'd have to actually find time to myself to sit down and actually blog on a regular basis and knew it might be wishful thinking.  Now that we are in somewhat of a routine, I hope to get some computer time more frequently uninterrupted. Ha!  I can't even remember the last time I had five minutes alone in the bathroom with out fingers peaking at me from under the door or a small voice asking me what I'm doing.  He seems to think he HAS to know exactly what I'm doing and whether I'm just peeing or going poop too.  Try explaining to your four year old what privacy is and he'll just use it against you.  YOU won't actually get any...that's right.  When Cameron was "taking care of business" yesterday, I asked him if he was done and ready for me to help him wipe.  "Mom, I need privacy.  I'll call you when I'm ready.  Just wait."  What?  "When do I get privacy?" I asked him.  "Never" was his response.  Thanks buddy.  I love you too.

I have kept a running list of topics/ideas to blog about so I will be back tracking quite a bit to get those published.  In the meantime, here is just a brief update, as I haven't been on here in weeks (since I turned in my work laptop and haven't been able to sit on the couch and blog) and want to get everyone up to speed.  The twins are 15 weeks old now and growing fast.  Some days are better than others and some nights allow me 5-6 hours straight of sleep, while others have me up every hour or two.  I continue to nurse and have slimmed down significantly because of the calories burned (YAY for that!).  I started going to the gym last week and wow, I'm out of shape!  Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes or doing 3 miles on a stationary bike have me breathing heavy and my heart rate up.  It is hard to believe that I grew up playing soccer considering I can't even jog for five minutes without wanting to throw in the towel right now.  I know it will get better but in the meantime, I will need to find extra motivation to get my butt out of the house to go on a regular basis.

I am now officially a stay at home mom! #SAHM woohoo!  Robert got a new job and very soon after that, a promotion and raise. I resigned shortly after returning to work in May and though it was bittersweet, I'm excited about staying home with the twins and Cameron (only one more year until Kinder!). We are going to try it out for a year and see how things go. I will register as a sub in the district so that I can work if needed or if I need a mental break and a change of pace (I know this will happen at some point and I've been told it is normal, so we'll see).  My mom still comes over (Thank GOD for her!) Monday- Friday and I love not only her help, but her company.  It is nice to have adult conversations and get a shower every once in a while too!  I think I'm in the same outfit for the third day now...It is time to remedy that.  I'm checking in on the twins and hitting the shower now!  I'll sign off for now, but intend to sit down and get some blogs done over the next few days!  Whew!

Twins' First 4th of July!

Cameron went with daddy to the fire station today!

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