Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Night Nursing

We are in a pretty good routine at nights right now and I hope it continues to improve.  The twins are sleeping 3 1/2-4 hours at a time.  Once one starts to stir, I go into the nursery to attend to them.  I change their diaper using the light from the night light, as I don't want to interrupt the soothing sleeping environment.  In more cases than not, while nursing whichever baby woke up first, the other wakes up ready to nurse.  I think it is like a sixth sense.  They seem to know when the other is eating and want in on the action.  Thankfully hubby comes to their rescue and soothes them while I finish with the first.  We then do a switcheroo and I change the diaper of and nurse the second twin.  Hubby burps the first baby then settles them back into their crib before heading back to bed himself.  The entire process takes up about 30 minutes of my night with each feeding (around12am and 4am).  Then I head back to bed for the next 3 1/2 to 4 hours hoping to fall back into a slumber quickly.  I'll admit that I'm jealous of those out there with singleton's sleeping 5 and 6 hours at a time at 6 weeks old, but considering I'm exclusively nursing twins and have them on this tight of a schedule, I shouldn't complain.  I know others are a lot worse off and a lot more sleep deprived (even mamas with singletons!).  Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows that just a few short weeks ago, I was miserable due to lack of sleep.  One night in particular, I didn't sleep at all!  The twins were over demanding on that particular night...eating every two hours and on opposite hours so I was literally up nursing, burping, soothing, and changing diapers all night.  On another night, my mom came to the rescue, as my hubby got ill and wasn't able to help out with night time feedings for fear of being contagious.  I know there are still a lot of long nights ahead of us and will be grateful for whatever sleep I can get!

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