Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Whine for Wine

I have a high tolerance for the whine of my children most nights...this is wine for MY whine that I'm talking about.  Some evenings I'm so tired that I feel compelled to whine about my lack of sleep, my stench from lack of a shower, and my dirty house.  Then I remind myself that all three of my children are BLESSINGS from GOD.  I know there are women out there that would love to have such reasons to whine about...So I figured I should exchange my whine for some wine once in a while and sit and count my blessings instead of complain.  I've only indulged a couple of times so far, as my tolerance for adult beverages isn't the same as it used to be.  I used to brag about my hollow leg!  I also used to go out several times a week and show up to work bright eyed and bushy tailed without missing a beat.  That was in my twenties.  Now that I'm approaching my forties (quicker than I'd like to admit) I'm too tired to open a bottle of wine most nights.  LOL! 

I'm SO doing a Mickey and Minnie first birthday party!  Planning the party will drive me to drink... :)

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