Saturday, March 29, 2014

Daddy's Hands

We've all heard the saying, "Happy Wife, Happy Life."  I am so grateful and lucky to have a hubby that is so hands on.  Not only is he amazing with our three year old, who needs more attention now than ever before, but he is dedicated to attachment parenting as daddy.  He is very nurturing of my needs as well as the twin's newborn needs.  Without his support and encouragement, this job would be so much harder and seem less rewarding.  Having newborns is draining.  Having a husband that makes sure you get to shower, are eating well, drinking lots of water, and catch a few z's is a gift.
Nothing makes you fall in love with your hubby again and again like watching him bond with your kids.  I love that he comes home from a long day at the office and is excited about seeing us.  His energy reignites my own every evening.  He looks forward to holding them and walks around the house talking to them tours, explaining to them what/who is in pictures around the house, naming things, etc.  He is educating them at a week old! It is so stinkin' cute!  He also devotes time to playing with our three year old every evening after dinner.  Who cares that it means later bedtimes.  We won't ever get this time back.

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