Monday, August 17, 2015

Kindergarten, here we come!

My oldest starts kindergarten in two days.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I have been frantically running around checking things off of the school supply list, purchasing school uniforms, pinning "lunch ideas" for his daily lunches, filling in the family calendar with event and PTO dates, and wondering if he'll be okay without me!  Of course he will be...right?

Will he be able to make it to the restroom in time?  Will he be able to get his belt undone and refastened without incident (we've been practicing, but is it enough?)? Will he be too shy to talk to his teacher?  Will he make friends right away?  Will he be brave enough to stand up for what is right when others are not making good choices?  Will he be negatively influenced by his peers?  Will he remember to use good manners and be kind?  Will he work hard?  Will he be challenged or bored?  Will he miss me as much as I will be missing him each day?  Will he be okay? Oh, the struggle is real!

He is excited about making new friends but anxious about the unknown.  He is excited one minute about the idea of school and nervous about leaving me each day and beging me to homeschool him the next. 
He doesn't do well with goodbyes.  My fear is that he will cling to me and not want to let go and walk in like a big boy on that first day.  I can envision the scene. It isn't pretty.  I can only hope that after seeing that a friend from his preschool days is in his class that he will be okay with "letting go."  His teacher is sweet.  Soft spoken and gentle but a teacher we can trust will take care of him and help shape him.  She will continue to encourage his curiosity and foster his love of learning.  He was enthusiastic about school starting when we left the "Meet the Teacher" event this evening.  I know the anxious feelings and doubts will return tomorrow evening as we lay out his clothes and get his backpack ready for the big day.  I will be prayerful that things go well and we don't have any emotional fits on Wednesday morning...from either of us! He is going to do great things and touch many lives.  As his mom, I have to share him with the world so that others may experience the pure joy that I do while in his presence.  He WILL be fine.  I will be fine. Well, maybe in a few days. :)

His "First Day of Kindergarten" sign is ready to go.  My camera will be on hand.  Social media will be inundated with posts about my baby's first day of kindergarten, as I will proudly post his picture for all to see.  I will fill out the many forms that will be sent home on the first day, I will gladly volunteer to help out as much as possible, and I will try really hard to hold back my tears until he is out of sight, because let's face it, there will be tears. 

In the meantime, I will continue to lift him, his teacher, and the school staff up in prayer as they get ready for a great school year. 

Heavenly Father,
As our children go out to face the world, please bless and protect them. May they know and trust that even when they are away from their parents that you, their Heavenly Father is always with them. Whether our children are just starting kindergarten, entering high school, or leaving the nest for college, our hearts and hopes go with them. They are excited about all of the new possibilities, yet at the same time apprehension and the fear of the unknown may weigh heavily on their hearts. Strengthen them by filling them with your love and giving them the confidence to face each challenge with inquisitive minds and discerning hearts. May they persevere through every obstacle that they face, knowing that we must learn from our failures so that we may grow in both knowledge and faith. Bless our children with lives filled with happiness and laughter, and may they be joyful in all things. Surround them with friends, teachers and adults that will lovingly stay by their side, build them up when they are weak, and hold them accountable when they wander from your ways. For we all know, that through you all things are possible. You are our Savior and protector, you fill our lives with blessings and you have an amazing plan for each and every one of your children.
In your name we pray, Amen.
(Prayer written by Lisa Russell; sweet friend and teacher)

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