Saturday, January 24, 2015

My BF days will soon be over for ever...

My twins are gradually weaning themselves from breastfeeding and it is bitter sweet.  I am both excited and a little bit sad.  I can't wait to have my boobs back but I know I'll never breastfeed a baby again.  So yes, I'm torn, but I will focus on the POSITIVE!

Baby girl has shown more of a disinterest lately than baby boy.  She would much rather a bottle (whether expressed breast milk or formula) whereas he prefers the breast over bottles right now and rarely takes to or finished formula.  She nurses two times a day while he nurses three.  This is significantly less than in previous months.  Now that they are eating a lot more they aren't requiring as much mama milk and therefor I'm never engorged or uncomfortable anymore (yay!). I will miss the cuddle time and intimacy of it but will continue to bond with them regardless so I feel no guilt.  I have provided so much for them through my breast milk in these past ten months and have enough frozen to last several weeks.  I will make sure they continue to get nutrient rich foods and formulas have come a long way so I know they will continue to get what they need regardless of whether it is directly form me or not.

I will however miss the fact that I burn calories (500+ per day) so easily while nursing and have to pay more attention to my calorie intake (boo!).  Maybe that gym membership will finally get put to good use...

A few positive reasons to continue to allow the twins to wean on their own:

1. My boobs will belong to me again!  I might even go out and buy new bras to celebrate.  I'm so ready to toss the nursing bras for good (can you say "unattractive?").  New shirts might be in order too.

2.  The twins (me too) are sleeping through the night now because we are giving them formula each evening before bed.

3.  I can have a girl's night (or date night) and drink wine/beer without wondering how much it is effecting my mama milk.

4.  I won't get my nipples caught between the vice grips known as teeth!  OUCH!
(Sorry, I couldn't exclude that one!)

5.  Making bottles is so much more convenient because not only can I take formula/bottles with me on the go, but others can help feed the twins!

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