Saturday, January 10, 2015

Finding time to blog...

I'll just say it has been waaaaay too long since I last posted a blog.  I have a running list of topics and my mind is always thinking about my next blog post, but then I realize that I'd rather sleep than blog.  Or take a shower.  Or get the much needed chores done (okay, I'd rather blog than do the dishes or fold laundry, but those things aren't going to get done on their own.).  When I first started considering a blog, I thought I'd have all this time on my hands when the twins are sleeping.  Or that once they got to an age that they began to play and entertain themselves, I'd get to blog more.  Ha!  I even thought, hey, maybe I can make money off of blogging and get sponsorship advertisements attached to my blog.  I even searched Pinterest and Google for ways to make money blogging.  I even found a few posts from women claiming it was EASY!  Then you click on their link...and for the low, low price of 39.95, you too can learn the secrets to making money off of your blog posts.  Well, needless to say, I'm not paying anything and I'm not holding my breath for paychecks to start rolling in. 

I am however disappointed in myself for not keeping up with my blog better.  I get ideas all of the time.  Usually in the middle of the night as I lay awake or while nursing.  I plug them into my notes app on my iPhone and tell myself that I'll "make myself" sit down and blog tomorrow night...which becomes "tomorrow night," and so on...Needless to say, It doesn't happen.  I'm actually shocked I'm typing this now.  I did get a shower in this evening (Yay me!) and even loaded the dishwasher.  So I thought, okay, before I crash out, I REALLY need to blog.  I opened up my laptop and sat staring at the log-in screen for ten minutes.  I couldn't even remember my laptop login because it has been so long since I last booted it up.  After several failed attempts to get logged on and half an hour later, I had to have my husband go to our desktop and log in through the Microsoft website and reset our password.  With that being said, it is now past my bedtime.  I'm signing off.  Wish me luck on getting back to blogging tomorrow night.  My list isn't getting any shorter. LOL!

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