Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tokens of our kids...

I finally had an opportunity to have a night out with friends this past Friday.  I was loading up the twins to take them to my parents house and my  husband and our four year old helped me get them and our things into the car before heading out for some fun of their own.  As I was getting in my car, my son handed me one of his "favorite balls."  He told me with the sweetest voice that he wanted me to take it with him because he would miss me and that I would miss him.  Of course I put it in my purse and gave him a hug and kiss before saying goodbye.  As I began closing my car door, he yelled, "I'll miss you but my ball gets to go with you so its okay.  Be careful.  I love you mommy."  This boy steals my heart daily with his cuteness! 
As I drove to my parents house, it got me thinking about one of my best friends whom I've traveled with on many occasions.  She ALWAYS took a stuffed animal with her that belonged to her daughter.  I didn't really "get it" then...I do now.  There are several things that you learn after you become a parent.  This is one of those things.  Your kids are a part of you and with you wherever you go,  yes, but when you are away from them you find comfort in having a token that represents them in some way.  For my friend, it was a stuffed animal.  For some, it is simply pictures in a wallet.  For me, this small ball stuffed inside my purse gave me a sense of comfort and reminded me of what precious gifts I get to go home to after my night out with friends.  I did peek into my very small (can barely hold my lipstick, cell phone, and car keys sized) purse and smiled when I saw this small ball ready to bust out and make a scene a couple times while enjoying dinner and drinks.  It was a great reminder of how times have changed since getting married and becoming a mom.  It also confirmed that I don't miss it...the night life.  I know where my heart belongs each evening and where I want to be.  I will continue to do things that allow me mental breaks and girl time, but I will never regret not dusting off my dancing boots or taking shots with friends every weekend like I did in my twenties. 
The conversations have changed too.  Instead of playing drinking games and daring each other to talk to the cute guy across the bar, we discuss night time feedings, our husbands, and our children.  We wouldn't have it any other way. 
Does anyone else have these "tokens" that they carry around with them whether their kids are witwh them or not?  Please share in the comments!! XO Cheers!

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