The twins are now 7 1/2 months old and it has been a while since I've blogged about them and our journey in this crazy life we're living. :) I have learned a lot in the past month and a half that I thought I'd share a few things with you all, so here goes:
Do not take family pictures the day after the six month shots. Four shots each equals very fussy and needy babies. I don't recommend pictures while one is drooling incessantly due to teething either. Outfit ruined. It is also IMPOSSIBLE to get three kids to look at the camera at the exact same time. Forget about getting them all to smile. Not. Going. To. Happen. It is also important to know and accept that four year olds no longer have a natural smile when you ask them to smile nicely for the camera. You will get a cheesy over exaggerated smile every time. Or they will have their head facing the right direction, but their eyes will be looking at something else entirely. I have no idea what was more important than family photos that kept drawing my four year old's attention away from the task at hand. Am I asking too much!?
Stripping babies down to nothing but a diaper is a requirement when introducing food of any kind. Well, maybe every time you offer food, whether it is new or not. It is also wise to invest in a tarp to cover any furniture or items of value because food will be a flyin'! The babies love to "finger paint" with their baby food, smear it on every surface within reach, bathe in it, and blow rasberries for good measure to make sure they've covered a five foot radius from their high chairs. For good measure, they will rub in in their hair, eyes, and ears. Just accept that baths will now take place every day and up to three times per day. Four if a they decide to bless you with a blow out diaper. Usually right before you want to leave the house...
Speaking of blowouts, one of our darling twins loves to relieve herself while riding in the car. She has had to have "12 wipe minimum" baths a few times in the past month and be changed completely in the back of the car. We used to call our bouncer the poop chair, something about the angle and the relaxed state it put them in encouraged BMs EVERY SINGLE TIME they were strapped in. They aren't fond of the bouncer anymore and our mobile monkey likes to twist himself out of the straps and crawl out anyway so it currently gets used as a part of a blockade to keep said monkey contained in the living room. LOL!
Yes, we have mobile monkeys and they are on the loose from sun up to sun down! Our lives just became so much more challenging! Little man is crawling very proficiently and pulls up to stand every chance he gets. He has only recently figured out how to go back down to his knees (its a process and he still isn't confident in the getting down part). He crawls over anything and anyone in his way to get to what/who he wants. I'm talking his sister, a pillow, anything. Nothing is off limits. If it is in the way, he will conquer it to get to where he wants to be. He is TOO brave and I've already determined that he will be the child that makes me go gray way before I should...he will also land us in the E.R. a few times. I may even have a few near heart attacks due to his bravery and daring feats. Sister on the other hand continues to be very laid back and tolerates just about everything and everyone around her. She isn't crawling by traditional means but she low crawls like a champ and is very stealth in her movements. Blink, and you just might miss it. She is content to lay and play and is more tolerant of her pesky brother than I would be if I were in her position. She lets him crawl right over her, doesn't fuss when he snatches her paci right out of her mouth (even when he already has one of his own-he pulls his out and pops hers in), and isn't bothered by her twin's high pitch cries in the middle of the night.
Another thing that we have learned and have been in awe of over the past month or so is the "twin-sense" that we've been witnessing isn't only between or twins, but includes or four year old. We jokingly say we have triplets but one is just four years older than his siblings because we did fertility and they are all from the same "batch." All three of our kids seem to be in tune with one another. This will be great down the road when they can all communicate. Right now, it is stressful at times for the adults because when one is upset/hurt, the others seem to "feel" for the one in distress. Which means, they might all be crying at the same time or whimpering/whining when only one of them is actually hurt. Weird right? If you have any thoughts/insight on this, please feel free to share! I'd love to learn more and hear from others that have experienced and/or witnessed something similar. (Thanks in advance.)
There are so many more things I've learned recently but I'll close with this one because it weighs heavy on my heart this evening: I will never tell anyone (whether with multiples or singletons and regardless of the age of their child(ren)) that things will get easier because it is a downright lie. What I've learned is, that yes, things can/will get easier, but the truth is things get much harder too! As kids get older, the things that we stress over and worry about for our kids change and become bigger. It is a whole new set of problems and trials to overcome. It goes from, "Is my child developing at a normal rate?" to "Will my child make friends?" to "Will my child be bullied? Or are they the bully?" to "Will my child be successful in school and what college will they go to?" and "Will my child become addicted to drugs/alcohol?" or "Will my child be easily influenced (whether positive or negative)?" -the list goes on...
Every age and stage will be a challenge. I've learned that the best thing I can do is pray for, support, and encourage my mom friends regardless of where they are and what they are going through with their child(ren). I can be a friend that listens, gives advice when needed, doesn't judge, and is ALWAYS honest.
It is not fair to tell someone that you know how they feel or what they might be going through when it comes to raising kids if you haven't been in their shoes and walked the same walk. Parenting is hard. It has its ups and downs and pretending everything is perfect and hunky dory behind closed doors is not fair to yourself or others. Just like every kid is different (What works for one, may not work for another), parenting styles, religious beliefs, discipline management, etc. make it hard to know "exactly" what one is going through but it is so important that we make connections with people. I don't just mean through social media either. I mean legitimate face to face support too. We live in a day and age where it is okay to ask for help and seek others in your same life stage with similar walks and experiences. Talk to parents that have older children that are in a new season of life. Just like we are encouraged to seek advice from our church elders, seek the same from fellow parents.
I've grown so weary of our society for many reasons, but lately too many babies are being neglected, abused, and killed by their parents. Why are parents so afraid to reach out and admit when things are tough and get help when they feel like they are drowning? If you or someone you know is struggling or has post partum depression (men can get it too!) ask for help.
Join groups that you feel safe sharing the realities of life with and I don't just mean when it comes to parenting, but life in general. Going through a divorce? Find a support group. Addicted to drugs/alcohol? Find a support group. Feeling depressed? Find a support group. In an abusive relationship? Get help. Find a support group.
Don't forget to celebrate the good things! Encourage one another. Pray for one another. Celebrate one another. Be kind to one another and build each other UP!
Love and hugs to all of my readers!
Please feel free to "like, share, and comment" on my post.
I am a blessed mom with a son that will be five in April and B/G twins that will be one in March!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
My new mom body...
Since having our twins seven months ago, I've accepted that my body will never be the same. I sat on the couch contemplating this while sipping coffee one morning in a rare moment of quiet content play from my three kids. I also noted to self that my husband hasn't once complained about my new body, but complements me and looks at me more lovingly...and dare I say it, hungrier. He is amazed at what I have done for our family by giving him three beautiful babies, and what I continue to do in raising them. He feels honored to have me at home with the kids and feels like he is blessed more by the fact that I am making sacrifices to stay home with them and continue to nurse our twins. It is such a blessing to have such a supportive husband. I talk about the sacrifices he makes and how hard he works so that I can stay home. I worry about our finances, and all the while, he is thanking me for what I do for our family. I may not be the toned petite woman I was when we met, but I feel more loved and admired now than I ever have before. :) So, on to the reason for this post...
Advantages to my new mom body:
I will never have to hear, "I could bounce a quarter off of your ass!" again when I go to a bar because the jiggly mom butt has nothing on the soccer butt of my youth.
It's not only accepted but expected that I will need to do a three squat minimum exercise when squeezing into my skinny jeans. Laying in bed with coat hanger? A-okay for moms...don't worry, I had practice with this in my late teens and early twenties as I forced myself into Rocky Mountain jeans to go out dancing. I've got this!
The C-Section scar is a constant reminder of what my body has done. I may not be able to rock a bikini ever again, but I feel more powerful now than ever before.
Due to the fact that I'm breast feeding, every few hours my boobs are the envy of my teenage self. I no longer have the desire to wear a padded push up bra that digs into my sides; and the cleavage looks more natural.
If I just jiggle my rump a bit in the club (should the opportunity arise to actually go to a club again), I look like a twerking professional! Miley has nothing on me! Who doesn't love a good "I like big butts" rendition when out on the town?
My arms are stronger than they look thanks to carrying the twins around all of the time. Who needs a gym when you can curl babies in car seats?
When I originally thought about this, I had more...I've slept a little since then. I'll have to come back and add to my list as my memory comes back to me.
Thanks for reading!
Advantages to my new mom body:
I will never have to hear, "I could bounce a quarter off of your ass!" again when I go to a bar because the jiggly mom butt has nothing on the soccer butt of my youth.
It's not only accepted but expected that I will need to do a three squat minimum exercise when squeezing into my skinny jeans. Laying in bed with coat hanger? A-okay for moms...don't worry, I had practice with this in my late teens and early twenties as I forced myself into Rocky Mountain jeans to go out dancing. I've got this!
The C-Section scar is a constant reminder of what my body has done. I may not be able to rock a bikini ever again, but I feel more powerful now than ever before.
Due to the fact that I'm breast feeding, every few hours my boobs are the envy of my teenage self. I no longer have the desire to wear a padded push up bra that digs into my sides; and the cleavage looks more natural.
If I just jiggle my rump a bit in the club (should the opportunity arise to actually go to a club again), I look like a twerking professional! Miley has nothing on me! Who doesn't love a good "I like big butts" rendition when out on the town?
My arms are stronger than they look thanks to carrying the twins around all of the time. Who needs a gym when you can curl babies in car seats?
When I originally thought about this, I had more...I've slept a little since then. I'll have to come back and add to my list as my memory comes back to me.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Breastfeeding Mom Problems...and a few pros to nursing twins!
1. Taking a shower (on the rare occasion that you can get one) must happen after nursing or pumping if you don't want to waste any of the precious liquid gold. Talk about "crying over spilled milk!" The real challenge is trying to get dressed quickly after a warm shower so that you don't douse the bathroom with every turn!
2. Your entire day is centered around your nursing schedule. Which means (remember, I have twins), that I only have about a two hour window to get things done, like run errands...or breathe. I don't mind the interruption from house work though.
3. Sleeping on your stomach is no longer an option. Ouch! Especially when you become engorged on the rare occasion the babes choose to sleep more than four consecutive hours. Then comes the great debate: Do I get up and pump? Or do I wait it out? (With my luck, while I'm pumping, one of the twins will wake up ready to nurse...)
4. Bras NEVER fit properly. As if they do any way right ladies? I have yet to find "the perfect" nursing bra. I've bought the high end models, the less expensive ones, and everything in between with no luck. Plus, nursing bras are fugly. Yes, that's a word.
5. Leakage is a sure thing. Hopefully it is while at home, and not in a public setting. Nursing pads can only help so much. They also have to be replaced frequently so as to not promote infection. Though I've never experienced mastitis, I've heard it is no walk in the park.
6. Your couch/chair will become splattered with mama milk. A lot of it. Babies like to pull away for various reasons and the squirting will ensue. My daughter gets daily facials this way.
7. It is difficult to find cute tops to wear that are also nursing friendly. Hiking up your shirt is a hassle when trying to juggle a baby (or two) and a cover up when nursing outside of the house or when company is over. I'm not shy, but when necessary and out of respect for others I do make it a private meal. Although when my son is nursing, he does not like to be covered up and tends to pull the cover off and expose me anyway.
8. When a baby cries (even if it is not yours!), your boobs go crazy! The throbbing is agonizing!
9. Unintentionally augmenting one side. When one baby is hungry or the twins are on opposite schedules, I am ALWAYS lopsided. It is not cute. My husband doesn't mind when I'm grossly engorged though... Ha!
10. The big debate about nursing in public: Seriously, have you seen adds for women's underwear and/or lingerie? These images are EVERYWHERE. Young women walk around in skimpy clothing everyday. However, a mom nursing her infant that exposes LESS than most billboards is not okay with most people? Really? This cartoon I found says it all:
2. Your entire day is centered around your nursing schedule. Which means (remember, I have twins), that I only have about a two hour window to get things done, like run errands...or breathe. I don't mind the interruption from house work though.
3. Sleeping on your stomach is no longer an option. Ouch! Especially when you become engorged on the rare occasion the babes choose to sleep more than four consecutive hours. Then comes the great debate: Do I get up and pump? Or do I wait it out? (With my luck, while I'm pumping, one of the twins will wake up ready to nurse...)
4. Bras NEVER fit properly. As if they do any way right ladies? I have yet to find "the perfect" nursing bra. I've bought the high end models, the less expensive ones, and everything in between with no luck. Plus, nursing bras are fugly. Yes, that's a word.
5. Leakage is a sure thing. Hopefully it is while at home, and not in a public setting. Nursing pads can only help so much. They also have to be replaced frequently so as to not promote infection. Though I've never experienced mastitis, I've heard it is no walk in the park.
6. Your couch/chair will become splattered with mama milk. A lot of it. Babies like to pull away for various reasons and the squirting will ensue. My daughter gets daily facials this way.
7. It is difficult to find cute tops to wear that are also nursing friendly. Hiking up your shirt is a hassle when trying to juggle a baby (or two) and a cover up when nursing outside of the house or when company is over. I'm not shy, but when necessary and out of respect for others I do make it a private meal. Although when my son is nursing, he does not like to be covered up and tends to pull the cover off and expose me anyway.
8. When a baby cries (even if it is not yours!), your boobs go crazy! The throbbing is agonizing!
9. Unintentionally augmenting one side. When one baby is hungry or the twins are on opposite schedules, I am ALWAYS lopsided. It is not cute. My husband doesn't mind when I'm grossly engorged though... Ha!
10. The big debate about nursing in public: Seriously, have you seen adds for women's underwear and/or lingerie? These images are EVERYWHERE. Young women walk around in skimpy clothing everyday. However, a mom nursing her infant that exposes LESS than most billboards is not okay with most people? Really? This cartoon I found says it all:
On the plus side:
1. I produce "liquid gold" for my babies.
2. Breastfeeding is said to reduce the risk of breast cancer
3. I'm saving money! Formula is expensive!
4. Breast milk is an all natural way to fight infections in a baby's eyes, ears, and nose! Antibodies. Check!
5. All the sweets I eat are going to someone else's thighs! I'm burning a lot of calories by nursing twins. I think I'll go eat 500 calories worth of cupcakes when I'm done with this blog entry.
6. I have cleavage. Real cleavage not brought on by an expensive push up bra.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
My Musical Obsession
Confession: I love musicals. As in, I'll watch them over and over again and I buy every album and fantasize about being the lead. Yes, even the High School Musical series. That's right. Who wouldn't dream about being romanced by Zac Efron and all of his cuteness? LOL! I love movie musicals and love seeing them live on stage at the theater. I LOVE to SING! But for those of you that know me well know that I don't sing well. As in, I sound like a dog howling at the moon. Tone. Deaf. You also know, that it doesn't stop me. Those that know me really well also know that when I don't know the words verbatim...I make them up. I'll learn the correct words eventually. I also create songs to familiar tunes for my kids on a regular basis. For example, I sing, "Let It Go" when one of my twins needs to poop. Of course, I change the words to say "Let it go, let it go, You need to poop everyday!" and so on. All three of my kids have songs that allow me to belt out their full names over and over again. I sing to stop the fussing. I sing while giving them baths. I sing to keep from going insane on my sleep deprived days. I've even sung about housework. My life should be a musical. I'd be okay with that. :) Can't you see me belting out a tune in the middle of the grocery store as I dance around? Would you join me as my back up dancers? I need a chorus. I should recruit my friends. Who's with me?
Here is the thing though, even though I am obsessed with musicals, I don't sing in public. I lip sync at church for crying out loud! In my home however, I am the star and I take the stage regularly. No two shows are the same. Only a few people are aloud to be in the audience (most of them are under the age of five). I used to be embarrassed about singing in front of my very musically talented husband. Not anymore (although I have offered him ear plugs) because he believes singing is good for the soul in spite of how it sounds. He encourages it. He figures that my singing is a good sign of how happy I am. I am very happy and blessed. I have every intention of singing my heart out for the rest of my life. Hopefully it won't always be about poop! :)
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Les Miserables
Phantom of the Opera
Mama Mia
Rock of Ages
The Sound of Music
Comment below with your favorites! :)
Here is the thing though, even though I am obsessed with musicals, I don't sing in public. I lip sync at church for crying out loud! In my home however, I am the star and I take the stage regularly. No two shows are the same. Only a few people are aloud to be in the audience (most of them are under the age of five). I used to be embarrassed about singing in front of my very musically talented husband. Not anymore (although I have offered him ear plugs) because he believes singing is good for the soul in spite of how it sounds. He encourages it. He figures that my singing is a good sign of how happy I am. I am very happy and blessed. I have every intention of singing my heart out for the rest of my life. Hopefully it won't always be about poop! :)
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Les Miserables
Phantom of the Opera
Mama Mia
Rock of Ages
The Sound of Music
Comment below with your favorites! :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Random Ramblings of an Undomesticated Goddess...
Am I the only one that finds it frustrating that my hubby just "spins the bread" to close it rather than using the twist tie that it comes with when he is done making a sandwich?
Why do I hate matching and folding socks? Why on earth is there ALWAYS one missing?
Does anyone else watch kids shows and listen to kid songs when the kids aren't even around? Why do I put myself through such torture?
Can someone please explain to me why home builders think a 2 foot by 1 foot pantry is sufficient? A man must have designed my kitchen. (Okay, so the dimensions may be an under-exaggeration but seriously? Why so small?)
Vacuums should be designed to not only collect my hair, but line it up and braid it so that I can make a wig out of the hair I'm losing on a daily basis.
Is it bad that I can write "Wash Me!" on my house windows? Speaking of, I need to dust my blinds...ewe. No wonder my kids have allergies. EEK! I think I just saw a dust bunny hop across my living room floor.
Will the pinterest recipe for tile cleaner really work? I've pinned it three times...I guess the floors won't clean themselves in spite of this fact.
How is it that I can spend so much time on Pinterest? I should be sleeping or cleaning...ooh, that recipe looks yummy. I wonder if I have all of the ingredients for this. Oh never mind, too many steps. I'll pin it anyway. I want everyone who follows me to think I'm a great cook.
I'm on my third load of laundry today. I have at least two more loads to go. I'm sure I'll have another two loads worth by the end of the day tomorrow. My clothes get washed more frequently than I do these days. Is that spit up on my shirt? It's crusty. This shirt needs to go in the next load...
How can I expect my four year old to aim if my man-child can't get it right? LOL! Double Yuck! I need to throw the bathroom rugs in the wash.
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble guppies...oh crap, I need to change the channel...
<---three loads down! So many to go! LOL!
Why do I hate matching and folding socks? Why on earth is there ALWAYS one missing?
Does anyone else watch kids shows and listen to kid songs when the kids aren't even around? Why do I put myself through such torture?
Can someone please explain to me why home builders think a 2 foot by 1 foot pantry is sufficient? A man must have designed my kitchen. (Okay, so the dimensions may be an under-exaggeration but seriously? Why so small?)
Vacuums should be designed to not only collect my hair, but line it up and braid it so that I can make a wig out of the hair I'm losing on a daily basis.
Is it bad that I can write "Wash Me!" on my house windows? Speaking of, I need to dust my blinds...ewe. No wonder my kids have allergies. EEK! I think I just saw a dust bunny hop across my living room floor.
Will the pinterest recipe for tile cleaner really work? I've pinned it three times...I guess the floors won't clean themselves in spite of this fact.
How is it that I can spend so much time on Pinterest? I should be sleeping or cleaning...ooh, that recipe looks yummy. I wonder if I have all of the ingredients for this. Oh never mind, too many steps. I'll pin it anyway. I want everyone who follows me to think I'm a great cook.
I'm on my third load of laundry today. I have at least two more loads to go. I'm sure I'll have another two loads worth by the end of the day tomorrow. My clothes get washed more frequently than I do these days. Is that spit up on my shirt? It's crusty. This shirt needs to go in the next load...
How can I expect my four year old to aim if my man-child can't get it right? LOL! Double Yuck! I need to throw the bathroom rugs in the wash.
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble guppies...oh crap, I need to change the channel...
<---three loads down! So many to go! LOL!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
My child"hood" (pun intended)
Times have changed so much that parents can't trust that strangers won't be lurking around the corner and therefor can't let their kids out of their sight. I don't blame them. I don't/won't let my kids be alone outside either. Society has forced us to loose trust in each other and it is proven time and time again that we live in a very scary world. When I was growing up, my brother and I along with our friends were all looked out for by one another's parents and were literally "raised by a village." It was a time when it was okay to be corrected by another mom/dad and you'd actually worry about a phone call that might be made to your parents if you had to be corrected or disciplined in some way. Now, kids just roll their eyes and say, "You're not my mom/dad." I was equally scared of other moms as my own! I knew better than to sass talk them or disrespect them in any way and I was always respectful when on their property or in their home.
Gone are the days when your neighbors were your friends, the parents all knew each other, spoke often, and trusted you in their care while you were with them. Do you even know your neighbors names? We wave at neighbors all of the time and they look at us like we've grown an extra head. It has become a faux pas as everyone wants to keep to themselves and have forgotten what it is like or even how to have face-to-face interactions. Kids would rather have their relationships through social media or spend time with tablets on games than get out and meet new people.
As we sat outside this evening holding the twins and watching our four year old play in the backyard, I started thinking about how much has changed since I was a kid. I wonder if my children will ever know what it is like to "run the streets of the neighborhood" with their friends until the street lights come on. Will they ever have the close bonds and exciting memories from their own childhood to reflect on when they are parents themselves?
I am blessed to have grown up in an era where we weren't just allowed to run around the neighborhood from sunup to sundown, we were expected to. It was fun. We were young. We had nothing to worry about other than making it home before that last street light came on. You better believe it was an all out sprint to make it sometimes! It was our dinner bell.
We camped out in the woods at the back of our neighborhood or in someone's backyard. We were always inventing games with other kids from the neighborhood and always changing the rules. We would pick berries by the railroad track without fear of a "Stand By Me-esque" adventure. Swinging on a rope across the bayou was not only fun but a right of passage. We dug up crawfish in the ditches after a good rain. We ran barefoot, climbed trees, played ball in the street, rode our bikes everywhere without fear of them being stolen, and even drank from each other's garden hose (gasp!).
One the weekends during the school year and most nights each summer, we were even back out playing after dinner. That's right, after dark. All of the school age kids gathered for a fun game of "Ghost in the Graveyard." Those were the best of times and some of my greatest memories. Every time I catch up to an old friend "from the hood," we ALWAYS mention our favorite game without fail. Never heard of it? Imagine an outdoor game of Hide-and-Seek in the dark. There was always a base, usually my parent's front porch, and two teams. The Ghosts that would hide and those "walking the graveyard." Those of us that were ghosts would hide while the other's counted and jump out of any dark spot we could find within the boundaries to scare and chase them. If you got caught, you became a ghost, essentially switching places with the one that tagged you. So the teams were always different, as not everyone got caught every time and some ghosts weren't as fast as others. This game would go on for hours and it never got old. We perfected the game from year to year and learned to dress appropriately (dark loose clothes for climbing trees and crawling under/behind things, tennis shoes, and absolutely no jewelry or items that would make noise to alert your victim of your presence). We gradually expanded the boundaries and relocated the base to a large tree in my front yard. The players changed over the years, but the concept stayed the same. We all talked about how we'd pass this game down to our own children one day. I hope that still happens. I'd love to have a reunion with these friends and our kids in a few years! We'd have to pick a new street, as the quaint neighborhood it once was has changed dramatically. My parents still live in the same house. The tree is gone, but the memories remain. Just being back with these friends would be enough. It would bring back that sense of innocence and help me remember simpler times. I'm not sure why it hasn't happened yet, but I sure hope it does.
Anyway, I guess I'm writing this post more of a reflection than anything else. It isn't about parenting or the raising of my twins and toddler. You probably didn't get anything out of it other than insight into my childhood but I hope you enjoyed the read nonetheless. I'd love to hear about your favorite childhood memory in the comments! What is one game/tradition you'd like to share with your own children? Those of my readers that share these memories with me, I hope to see you "in the hood!"
Gone are the days when your neighbors were your friends, the parents all knew each other, spoke often, and trusted you in their care while you were with them. Do you even know your neighbors names? We wave at neighbors all of the time and they look at us like we've grown an extra head. It has become a faux pas as everyone wants to keep to themselves and have forgotten what it is like or even how to have face-to-face interactions. Kids would rather have their relationships through social media or spend time with tablets on games than get out and meet new people.
As we sat outside this evening holding the twins and watching our four year old play in the backyard, I started thinking about how much has changed since I was a kid. I wonder if my children will ever know what it is like to "run the streets of the neighborhood" with their friends until the street lights come on. Will they ever have the close bonds and exciting memories from their own childhood to reflect on when they are parents themselves?
I am blessed to have grown up in an era where we weren't just allowed to run around the neighborhood from sunup to sundown, we were expected to. It was fun. We were young. We had nothing to worry about other than making it home before that last street light came on. You better believe it was an all out sprint to make it sometimes! It was our dinner bell.
We camped out in the woods at the back of our neighborhood or in someone's backyard. We were always inventing games with other kids from the neighborhood and always changing the rules. We would pick berries by the railroad track without fear of a "Stand By Me-esque" adventure. Swinging on a rope across the bayou was not only fun but a right of passage. We dug up crawfish in the ditches after a good rain. We ran barefoot, climbed trees, played ball in the street, rode our bikes everywhere without fear of them being stolen, and even drank from each other's garden hose (gasp!).
One the weekends during the school year and most nights each summer, we were even back out playing after dinner. That's right, after dark. All of the school age kids gathered for a fun game of "Ghost in the Graveyard." Those were the best of times and some of my greatest memories. Every time I catch up to an old friend "from the hood," we ALWAYS mention our favorite game without fail. Never heard of it? Imagine an outdoor game of Hide-and-Seek in the dark. There was always a base, usually my parent's front porch, and two teams. The Ghosts that would hide and those "walking the graveyard." Those of us that were ghosts would hide while the other's counted and jump out of any dark spot we could find within the boundaries to scare and chase them. If you got caught, you became a ghost, essentially switching places with the one that tagged you. So the teams were always different, as not everyone got caught every time and some ghosts weren't as fast as others. This game would go on for hours and it never got old. We perfected the game from year to year and learned to dress appropriately (dark loose clothes for climbing trees and crawling under/behind things, tennis shoes, and absolutely no jewelry or items that would make noise to alert your victim of your presence). We gradually expanded the boundaries and relocated the base to a large tree in my front yard. The players changed over the years, but the concept stayed the same. We all talked about how we'd pass this game down to our own children one day. I hope that still happens. I'd love to have a reunion with these friends and our kids in a few years! We'd have to pick a new street, as the quaint neighborhood it once was has changed dramatically. My parents still live in the same house. The tree is gone, but the memories remain. Just being back with these friends would be enough. It would bring back that sense of innocence and help me remember simpler times. I'm not sure why it hasn't happened yet, but I sure hope it does.
Anyway, I guess I'm writing this post more of a reflection than anything else. It isn't about parenting or the raising of my twins and toddler. You probably didn't get anything out of it other than insight into my childhood but I hope you enjoyed the read nonetheless. I'd love to hear about your favorite childhood memory in the comments! What is one game/tradition you'd like to share with your own children? Those of my readers that share these memories with me, I hope to see you "in the hood!"
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Broken Bones
At the ripe old age of 10, I was the coolest cat on the block. Its true, just ask me. I was the tom boy of all tom boys. I lived to run with the boys. Girls were drama, pink lip gloss, and frou-frou dresses. Not me. I had converse in every color, a BMX bike, and a strong desire to run the streets bare-foot covered in dirt and grime from sun-up until the street lights came on.
My brother and his friends were my hearts desire. I followed them everywhere. Wanted to be where they were, wear what they wore, and do what they did. It was the Fall of my fifth grade year and the newest fad was skateboarding. I knew that if I wanted to "be cool" I'd have to master the art of balancing on one of these contraptions. I needed to impress the guys and learn a trick or two while I was at it. Against objections from my parents I bought a skateboard with my saved up allowance. In my attempt to fit in, I fell out. Literally.
I may or may not have been intentionally "showing off" on my skate board as the Elementary Bus was making its rounds in my neighborhood dropping off kids on a Thursday afternoon. Just two weeks into owning my own board, I was on top of the world. I'd mastered pushing off and rolling along the driveway without incident. As the bus rounded the curve on my street, I sped up, wanting to make sure the passengers noticed my ability to effortlessly glide down the pavement. I think its important to tell you, that my skateboard did NOT come with a manual. There wasn't a single warning or label telling me how necessary it would be to look ahead, down even as you glide down the smooth surface of the pavement. I looked up and waved at the children admiring how "cool" I was. It was at that moment that the front wheel of my skateboard was abruptly stopped by a small pebble catapulting me forward arms flailing out in front of me in an attempt to keep my face from greeting the pavement. Though throwing my arms out in front of me saved my face, my bones weren't unscathed. I'm not sure what was worse, the pain in my arm or the embarrassment of falling in front of those who I was convinced looked up to me and admired my mad skills...
I just about died of embarrassment but at the same time, I was in a lot of pain. I got up and grabbed my board horrified at the thought of the elementary kids laughing at my folly. I got inside before I allowed myself to cry. My mom, with that "I told you so" look in her eyes got me an ice pack. Being the girl scout that she wasn't, she folded a magazine in half and secured it as a brace with an old ace bandage that my dad had in the medicine cabinet. I had a long four day weekend ahead of me yet didn't enjoy a minute of it, as I spent my time laying around the house convinced that my arm needed to be amputated. On Tuesday morning I arrived at school and went into gym, my first period and favorite class. When I chose not to dress out and participate, my coach knew something was wrong. He sent me to the nurse where my arm was unwrapped and inspected. Within minutes, my dad was on his way to pick me up.
We headed to the hospital to get my arm x-rayed. To say my parents felt guilty for telling me to "stop exaggerating" would be an understatement. My wrist and elbow were full of hairline fractures and I was casted for the next 8 weeks. Yep, I was the kid walking around with a purple cast from just under my armpit down to my knuckles. On the plus side, I am right handed and it was my right arm...which came with perks. I got a lot of help writing my assignments out. I got to leave class early and have a friend tag along with know, to carry my things. :) I also attracted a lot of attention and made some new friends along the way. Everyone wanted to know how I injured my arm. I didn't tell the story in detail, but "I was totally doing this rad move and almost landed it! It was awesome!" Yea...I was that cool.
My brother and his friends were my hearts desire. I followed them everywhere. Wanted to be where they were, wear what they wore, and do what they did. It was the Fall of my fifth grade year and the newest fad was skateboarding. I knew that if I wanted to "be cool" I'd have to master the art of balancing on one of these contraptions. I needed to impress the guys and learn a trick or two while I was at it. Against objections from my parents I bought a skateboard with my saved up allowance. In my attempt to fit in, I fell out. Literally.
I may or may not have been intentionally "showing off" on my skate board as the Elementary Bus was making its rounds in my neighborhood dropping off kids on a Thursday afternoon. Just two weeks into owning my own board, I was on top of the world. I'd mastered pushing off and rolling along the driveway without incident. As the bus rounded the curve on my street, I sped up, wanting to make sure the passengers noticed my ability to effortlessly glide down the pavement. I think its important to tell you, that my skateboard did NOT come with a manual. There wasn't a single warning or label telling me how necessary it would be to look ahead, down even as you glide down the smooth surface of the pavement. I looked up and waved at the children admiring how "cool" I was. It was at that moment that the front wheel of my skateboard was abruptly stopped by a small pebble catapulting me forward arms flailing out in front of me in an attempt to keep my face from greeting the pavement. Though throwing my arms out in front of me saved my face, my bones weren't unscathed. I'm not sure what was worse, the pain in my arm or the embarrassment of falling in front of those who I was convinced looked up to me and admired my mad skills...
I just about died of embarrassment but at the same time, I was in a lot of pain. I got up and grabbed my board horrified at the thought of the elementary kids laughing at my folly. I got inside before I allowed myself to cry. My mom, with that "I told you so" look in her eyes got me an ice pack. Being the girl scout that she wasn't, she folded a magazine in half and secured it as a brace with an old ace bandage that my dad had in the medicine cabinet. I had a long four day weekend ahead of me yet didn't enjoy a minute of it, as I spent my time laying around the house convinced that my arm needed to be amputated. On Tuesday morning I arrived at school and went into gym, my first period and favorite class. When I chose not to dress out and participate, my coach knew something was wrong. He sent me to the nurse where my arm was unwrapped and inspected. Within minutes, my dad was on his way to pick me up.
We headed to the hospital to get my arm x-rayed. To say my parents felt guilty for telling me to "stop exaggerating" would be an understatement. My wrist and elbow were full of hairline fractures and I was casted for the next 8 weeks. Yep, I was the kid walking around with a purple cast from just under my armpit down to my knuckles. On the plus side, I am right handed and it was my right arm...which came with perks. I got a lot of help writing my assignments out. I got to leave class early and have a friend tag along with know, to carry my things. :) I also attracted a lot of attention and made some new friends along the way. Everyone wanted to know how I injured my arm. I didn't tell the story in detail, but "I was totally doing this rad move and almost landed it! It was awesome!" Yea...I was that cool.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Response Parenting
As I went through the motions of my day I thought about the fact that as a sleep deprived mom of a four year old and 5 month old twins, I tend to be too reactionary as a parent. Especially when both babies are crying and my four year old wants something (and he wants it NOW!), or is into something he shouldn't be in to (He is in a stage; I hope it is just a stage!). He sometimes insists on doing things his way regardless of what I've asked him to do, and even warned him how not to do things for his own safety. He likes to learn lessons the hard way. Yes, this sometimes means falling down, getting hurt, or occasionally breaking something (so far no bones!).
As the adult, I can't use the "I'm tired" excuse, because years from now when my kids look back on these days, they won't think, "Poor mom, she was so tired. We really tested her." They will think, "Wow. Mom was a B! She yelled a lot." That is NOT what I want. I don't want to be thought of as "that mom" who (over)reacts to things that in hindsight are really not that big of a deal. So what if the four year old is helping himself to marshmallows for breakfast because I'm busy nursing the babies or he chooses to pour his own RED Kool-Aid in the middle of the kitchen floor and gets more on the tile than in his cup. He won't remember the mess or the sugar crash that ensued two hours later. He will remember the tantrum mommy threw when she snapped at him for getting into things by himself and without permission.
I have to remind myself to breathe. To take a step outside of myself think before I speak as my mom always told me I should when I got upset growing up. I don't want to regret things I say to my children or the reactions I give them when they do something I'm not happy about at the time. I want to teach them. Mold them. Guide them. They will be better kids and later adults because of it. I want to respond to these types of situations in a more positive way. Instead of getting on to them for making a mess, I need to let them know that I appreciate them trying to be a big kid and doing things for themselves, but that they need to ask for help until they are able to be more independent. I need to have conversations with them about their choices. Not give them lecture after lecture. I need to redirect and not belittle them or take my frustrations out on them. There will still be consequences for their decisions (wise or poor) and they need to know that. I can control how they learn from their missteps and I need to lead by example whether I've had sleep or not. I will need to take a pause and take in all of the facts. Was the four year old just trying to help? Was he being a "big boy" in doing something for himself? Is there a lesson to be learned from the situation we've found ourselves in? Did he really mean to hit his little brother upside the head with the bouncy ball? Is he acting out because I need to spend more time with him? Is there something I need to do differently? Did he know that he wasn't allowed to help himself to breakfast?
From this day forward I am challenging myself to be more of a responsive parent and less of a reactionary parent in every situation. I will look for opportunities to help my children grow into responsible, respectful adults and take advantage of teachable moments. I don't want to escalate problems or increase stress for myself or my family. I want to be more gentle in my responses and dissipate conflict in my home. It will allow for better (more positive) outcomes and better overall health (mentally, physically, and psychologically!). It may take extra prayer and meditation but it is a new personal goal and my children WILL hold me accountable.
As the adult, I can't use the "I'm tired" excuse, because years from now when my kids look back on these days, they won't think, "Poor mom, she was so tired. We really tested her." They will think, "Wow. Mom was a B! She yelled a lot." That is NOT what I want. I don't want to be thought of as "that mom" who (over)reacts to things that in hindsight are really not that big of a deal. So what if the four year old is helping himself to marshmallows for breakfast because I'm busy nursing the babies or he chooses to pour his own RED Kool-Aid in the middle of the kitchen floor and gets more on the tile than in his cup. He won't remember the mess or the sugar crash that ensued two hours later. He will remember the tantrum mommy threw when she snapped at him for getting into things by himself and without permission.
I have to remind myself to breathe. To take a step outside of myself think before I speak as my mom always told me I should when I got upset growing up. I don't want to regret things I say to my children or the reactions I give them when they do something I'm not happy about at the time. I want to teach them. Mold them. Guide them. They will be better kids and later adults because of it. I want to respond to these types of situations in a more positive way. Instead of getting on to them for making a mess, I need to let them know that I appreciate them trying to be a big kid and doing things for themselves, but that they need to ask for help until they are able to be more independent. I need to have conversations with them about their choices. Not give them lecture after lecture. I need to redirect and not belittle them or take my frustrations out on them. There will still be consequences for their decisions (wise or poor) and they need to know that. I can control how they learn from their missteps and I need to lead by example whether I've had sleep or not. I will need to take a pause and take in all of the facts. Was the four year old just trying to help? Was he being a "big boy" in doing something for himself? Is there a lesson to be learned from the situation we've found ourselves in? Did he really mean to hit his little brother upside the head with the bouncy ball? Is he acting out because I need to spend more time with him? Is there something I need to do differently? Did he know that he wasn't allowed to help himself to breakfast?
From this day forward I am challenging myself to be more of a responsive parent and less of a reactionary parent in every situation. I will look for opportunities to help my children grow into responsible, respectful adults and take advantage of teachable moments. I don't want to escalate problems or increase stress for myself or my family. I want to be more gentle in my responses and dissipate conflict in my home. It will allow for better (more positive) outcomes and better overall health (mentally, physically, and psychologically!). It may take extra prayer and meditation but it is a new personal goal and my children WILL hold me accountable.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Tokens of our kids...
I finally had an opportunity to have a night out with friends this past Friday. I was loading up the twins to take them to my parents house and my husband and our four year old helped me get them and our things into the car before heading out for some fun of their own. As I was getting in my car, my son handed me one of his "favorite balls." He told me with the sweetest voice that he wanted me to take it with him because he would miss me and that I would miss him. Of course I put it in my purse and gave him a hug and kiss before saying goodbye. As I began closing my car door, he yelled, "I'll miss you but my ball gets to go with you so its okay. Be careful. I love you mommy." This boy steals my heart daily with his cuteness!
As I drove to my parents house, it got me thinking about one of my best friends whom I've traveled with on many occasions. She ALWAYS took a stuffed animal with her that belonged to her daughter. I didn't really "get it" then...I do now. There are several things that you learn after you become a parent. This is one of those things. Your kids are a part of you and with you wherever you go, yes, but when you are away from them you find comfort in having a token that represents them in some way. For my friend, it was a stuffed animal. For some, it is simply pictures in a wallet. For me, this small ball stuffed inside my purse gave me a sense of comfort and reminded me of what precious gifts I get to go home to after my night out with friends. I did peek into my very small (can barely hold my lipstick, cell phone, and car keys sized) purse and smiled when I saw this small ball ready to bust out and make a scene a couple times while enjoying dinner and drinks. It was a great reminder of how times have changed since getting married and becoming a mom. It also confirmed that I don't miss it...the night life. I know where my heart belongs each evening and where I want to be. I will continue to do things that allow me mental breaks and girl time, but I will never regret not dusting off my dancing boots or taking shots with friends every weekend like I did in my twenties.
The conversations have changed too. Instead of playing drinking games and daring each other to talk to the cute guy across the bar, we discuss night time feedings, our husbands, and our children. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Does anyone else have these "tokens" that they carry around with them whether their kids are witwh them or not? Please share in the comments!! XO Cheers!
As I drove to my parents house, it got me thinking about one of my best friends whom I've traveled with on many occasions. She ALWAYS took a stuffed animal with her that belonged to her daughter. I didn't really "get it" then...I do now. There are several things that you learn after you become a parent. This is one of those things. Your kids are a part of you and with you wherever you go, yes, but when you are away from them you find comfort in having a token that represents them in some way. For my friend, it was a stuffed animal. For some, it is simply pictures in a wallet. For me, this small ball stuffed inside my purse gave me a sense of comfort and reminded me of what precious gifts I get to go home to after my night out with friends. I did peek into my very small (can barely hold my lipstick, cell phone, and car keys sized) purse and smiled when I saw this small ball ready to bust out and make a scene a couple times while enjoying dinner and drinks. It was a great reminder of how times have changed since getting married and becoming a mom. It also confirmed that I don't miss it...the night life. I know where my heart belongs each evening and where I want to be. I will continue to do things that allow me mental breaks and girl time, but I will never regret not dusting off my dancing boots or taking shots with friends every weekend like I did in my twenties.
The conversations have changed too. Instead of playing drinking games and daring each other to talk to the cute guy across the bar, we discuss night time feedings, our husbands, and our children. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Does anyone else have these "tokens" that they carry around with them whether their kids are witwh them or not? Please share in the comments!! XO Cheers!
It hit me! I am a stay at home mom. My teacher friends returned to work this week and as I scrolled through my Facebook wall, I read post after post about the return to a new school year. I love seeing the excitement of new beginnings. I think that's what keeps teachers going back for more. They get to start new every year, as do the students from year to year. It is a clean slate. A new year brings new opportunities for learning and growth. I do miss seeing my friends and colleagues. I don't miss scrambling to get a classroom ready, planning and presenting professional development, or stressing over a never ending to do list. Oh wait, I still have a never ending to do list...I still wear many hats. I'm a stay at home mom! LOL! I'm still a teacher, counselor, librarian, lunch lady, custodian, and more. My plate is still full, but so is my heart. I LOVE that I get to stay home and focus on my family this year.
I've had a long summer to think about what I'm going to do as a SAHM that will allow me to provide a Pre-K education for my four year old while simultaneously taking care of the twins (who are now 5 months old). The following list will allow me to stay on track as the year progresses and hopefully, help me keep my sanity!
1. SET A ROUTINE: I must put a routine in place, just as I did when I was a teacher, if a set routine and schedule isn't in place, I will lose my head and my kids will not do well. We all need consistency in routines so I have made a weekly plan to get things done (such as grocery shopping, chores, field trips, play dates, etc.).
2. GET OUT: If we don't get out of the house once in a while we will all go stir crazy. I plan to leave the house every few days for field trips to the local museum, zoo, library, and parks. It will be great for the kids, as they will be able to socialize and I will hopefully get to meet new people and talk to other stay at home moms.
3. GET EXERCISE: Everyone needs an outlet to relieve stress. Some days that will be by way of the gym, while others, I will simply run around and play with the kids. They will have energy to get out and I will get fit! I love that I can slim down while having fun and spending time with my littles. It will help me stay sane too.
4. FIND TIME FOR ME: It will be so important that I find time for myself. Whether it is with girlfriends, my husband, or completely alone to enjoy a nice bubble bath or hit the mall sans kids.
5. BLOCK OUT QUALITY TIME WITH EACH CHILD: It will be hard to balance my time between all three kids, so I will set a goal for myself to spend time with each one doing something they love. They will each need my undivided attention. I will give it to them. I hope that this will lessen the chance of tantrums and let them know that they are important. They are the reason I'm staying home after all. I need to be present for my children. This may mean that on especially demanding days, the laundry won't get done or the dishes will have to wait until after bedtime.
6. JOIN GROUPS: I think it is important to have people in your life that can relate to your current life stage. I will make an effort to attend play groups and mom activities. I will need this outlet perhaps more than anything. I will be open and honest with other moms, seek advice, and ask for help when necessary.
7. SPEND TIME WITH SPOUSE: It is more important now than ever that hubby and I spend quality time together. Not just debriefing on our days and what is going on with the kids, but on us. Once we tell each other about what is going on in our daily lives apart from one another so as to keep each other from imploding, we will make a transition to being each other's best friend and partner. We will continue to date each other. We must continue to find time for intimacy and quality time away from the kids.
Please feel free to add tips/suggestions in the comments below. How do you keep your sanity as a stay at home mom?
I've had a long summer to think about what I'm going to do as a SAHM that will allow me to provide a Pre-K education for my four year old while simultaneously taking care of the twins (who are now 5 months old). The following list will allow me to stay on track as the year progresses and hopefully, help me keep my sanity!
1. SET A ROUTINE: I must put a routine in place, just as I did when I was a teacher, if a set routine and schedule isn't in place, I will lose my head and my kids will not do well. We all need consistency in routines so I have made a weekly plan to get things done (such as grocery shopping, chores, field trips, play dates, etc.).
2. GET OUT: If we don't get out of the house once in a while we will all go stir crazy. I plan to leave the house every few days for field trips to the local museum, zoo, library, and parks. It will be great for the kids, as they will be able to socialize and I will hopefully get to meet new people and talk to other stay at home moms.
3. GET EXERCISE: Everyone needs an outlet to relieve stress. Some days that will be by way of the gym, while others, I will simply run around and play with the kids. They will have energy to get out and I will get fit! I love that I can slim down while having fun and spending time with my littles. It will help me stay sane too.
4. FIND TIME FOR ME: It will be so important that I find time for myself. Whether it is with girlfriends, my husband, or completely alone to enjoy a nice bubble bath or hit the mall sans kids.
5. BLOCK OUT QUALITY TIME WITH EACH CHILD: It will be hard to balance my time between all three kids, so I will set a goal for myself to spend time with each one doing something they love. They will each need my undivided attention. I will give it to them. I hope that this will lessen the chance of tantrums and let them know that they are important. They are the reason I'm staying home after all. I need to be present for my children. This may mean that on especially demanding days, the laundry won't get done or the dishes will have to wait until after bedtime.
6. JOIN GROUPS: I think it is important to have people in your life that can relate to your current life stage. I will make an effort to attend play groups and mom activities. I will need this outlet perhaps more than anything. I will be open and honest with other moms, seek advice, and ask for help when necessary.
7. SPEND TIME WITH SPOUSE: It is more important now than ever that hubby and I spend quality time together. Not just debriefing on our days and what is going on with the kids, but on us. Once we tell each other about what is going on in our daily lives apart from one another so as to keep each other from imploding, we will make a transition to being each other's best friend and partner. We will continue to date each other. We must continue to find time for intimacy and quality time away from the kids.
Please feel free to add tips/suggestions in the comments below. How do you keep your sanity as a stay at home mom?
Friday, August 8, 2014
Jealous of formula feeding moms...Is it normal?
I am finding that even though I am overwhelmed with love and blessings by my children, I can't help but have twinges of jealousy when I hear about other moms and their experiences. They are posting daily on social media about all of the fun things they are doing, great foods they are consuming, and caffeinated beverages they are indulging in. I'm jealous. I'm jealous because I am a nursing mom of twins. My entire day is dictated by their nursing/napping schedule and it changes from day to day.
I actually had someone tell me recently, "Oh, you're nursing. How convenient. You can nurse anywhere." Less expensive? Yes. More convenient. No. Definitely not. It is rare that I find a decent, clean, and/or private place to nurse. I can't just throw a bottle and formula in a bag and be on the go all day. I can't drop my kids off at someone else's house and go party with my girl friends or have a date night with my husband. Yes, I can pump before going out to dinner, but I'm nursing TWINS! I have to pump multiple times to sustain them for a couple hours with someone else and while I'm gone, I'm miserable. Not because I miss my kids, because let's face it, we all need a break now and again from our kids, but because I get engorged and uncomfortable after just two hours. Seeing a movie at a theater is out. Staying through dessert is rough. Going farther than a few miles from my twins isn't an option.
I'm jealous because friends who've recently had a baby are out and about ALL OF THE TIME (or so it seems to me, as I am lucky to hit the gym for 45 minutes twice per week). I'm jealous because these same moms are checking in at Starbucks sometimes twice in one day. I'm jealous because they are wearing cute tops and their boobs aren't busting out of them. I'm jealous because they are getting more than two consecutive hours of sleep on a regular basis. I'm jealous because they are having date nights, girl's nights out, and trips to amusement parks. Hours at a time away from their kids. My twins are 20 weeks old and I haven't been away from them for more than two hours. EVER.
Don't take this the wrong way. I LOVE MY KIDS. I wouldn't give them up for anything. This is just a vent post and my way of I alone? Does it really get easier? Unless you've had twins and nursed them, don't tell me to "get them on the same schedule." That's almost as bad as someone asking me if my boy/girl twins are identical. My kids are two separate individuals. They each have their own personality. Trying to get them AND keep them on the same schedule is like trying to get blood from a turnip. I have one laid back child who takes FOREVER to nurse and one that acts like they are starving and must be burped regularly. This one also has acid reflux and a blood curdling wail that could compete with the annoying smoke detector when the batteries are running low. You know the feeling of that happening at 3am? I get to feel that way several times a day. Some days I feel helpless. Nothing seems to work. Some days, I can calm him immediately. Most days are hit or miss.
Yes, I am more blessed than most. I have a husband who is present in his kid's lives and helps when he can (he conveniently sleeps through their cries at night 90% of the time though...LOL!). He has blessed me with the opportunity to stay home with them this year. I have a mom who drives out regularly to lend a helping hand and let me get the weekly grocery shopping done and go work out a couple times per week. I have friends who have come over to hold a baby long enough for me to take a shower. Family members help entertain our four year old. God has given us the privilege of raising three beautiful children. No one said it would be easy. I know it will all be worth it. Thank you for letting me vent. Some of you may be shaking your heads criticizing me. These are my feelings right now at this time. I may not feel this way tomorrow. When I reflect back on this time years from now, it will all be a distant memory and I probably won't remember the sleep deprivation and frustrations as vividly as I do today. I do know that the love I have for my children will continue to grow and I have no regrets in choosing to nurse. They are getting "the best." When I look into their faces I am too, as I have been abundantly blessed...
I actually had someone tell me recently, "Oh, you're nursing. How convenient. You can nurse anywhere." Less expensive? Yes. More convenient. No. Definitely not. It is rare that I find a decent, clean, and/or private place to nurse. I can't just throw a bottle and formula in a bag and be on the go all day. I can't drop my kids off at someone else's house and go party with my girl friends or have a date night with my husband. Yes, I can pump before going out to dinner, but I'm nursing TWINS! I have to pump multiple times to sustain them for a couple hours with someone else and while I'm gone, I'm miserable. Not because I miss my kids, because let's face it, we all need a break now and again from our kids, but because I get engorged and uncomfortable after just two hours. Seeing a movie at a theater is out. Staying through dessert is rough. Going farther than a few miles from my twins isn't an option.
I'm jealous because friends who've recently had a baby are out and about ALL OF THE TIME (or so it seems to me, as I am lucky to hit the gym for 45 minutes twice per week). I'm jealous because these same moms are checking in at Starbucks sometimes twice in one day. I'm jealous because they are wearing cute tops and their boobs aren't busting out of them. I'm jealous because they are getting more than two consecutive hours of sleep on a regular basis. I'm jealous because they are having date nights, girl's nights out, and trips to amusement parks. Hours at a time away from their kids. My twins are 20 weeks old and I haven't been away from them for more than two hours. EVER.
Don't take this the wrong way. I LOVE MY KIDS. I wouldn't give them up for anything. This is just a vent post and my way of I alone? Does it really get easier? Unless you've had twins and nursed them, don't tell me to "get them on the same schedule." That's almost as bad as someone asking me if my boy/girl twins are identical. My kids are two separate individuals. They each have their own personality. Trying to get them AND keep them on the same schedule is like trying to get blood from a turnip. I have one laid back child who takes FOREVER to nurse and one that acts like they are starving and must be burped regularly. This one also has acid reflux and a blood curdling wail that could compete with the annoying smoke detector when the batteries are running low. You know the feeling of that happening at 3am? I get to feel that way several times a day. Some days I feel helpless. Nothing seems to work. Some days, I can calm him immediately. Most days are hit or miss.
Yes, I am more blessed than most. I have a husband who is present in his kid's lives and helps when he can (he conveniently sleeps through their cries at night 90% of the time though...LOL!). He has blessed me with the opportunity to stay home with them this year. I have a mom who drives out regularly to lend a helping hand and let me get the weekly grocery shopping done and go work out a couple times per week. I have friends who have come over to hold a baby long enough for me to take a shower. Family members help entertain our four year old. God has given us the privilege of raising three beautiful children. No one said it would be easy. I know it will all be worth it. Thank you for letting me vent. Some of you may be shaking your heads criticizing me. These are my feelings right now at this time. I may not feel this way tomorrow. When I reflect back on this time years from now, it will all be a distant memory and I probably won't remember the sleep deprivation and frustrations as vividly as I do today. I do know that the love I have for my children will continue to grow and I have no regrets in choosing to nurse. They are getting "the best." When I look into their faces I am too, as I have been abundantly blessed...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Holy COW! I have a toddler and newborn TWINS!: Baby Essentials
Holy COW! I have a toddler and newborn TWINS!: Baby Essentials: Having twins means having a lot of baby things! A friend that is pregnant asked me what my favorite must haves are for entertaining the twi...
Baby Essentials
Having twins means having a lot of baby things! A friend that is pregnant asked me what my favorite must haves are for entertaining the twins. Since I have to constantly rotate the "activities" throughout the day I have more than a couple favorites so I'll share our experiences with you and give a review of each item.
Pack and Play:
We have it set up in the living room, because let's admit it, life goes on around you in spite of baby and sometimes it is just convenient to lay baby down to nap in the pack and play so you can catch up on last night's shows or get a little bit of housework done. It also makes for a great place to change diapers and keep a "changing station" set up in the area of the house in which you will spend most of your time. I know, you spend all of that time/energy/money getting the nursery just right and you most likely only go in there at night...unless it is equipped with a television and mini-fridge. That would be cool.
Lay and Play floor mat:
Olivia LOVES her lay and play time on our jungle themed mat. She cooes and talks to her hanging toys for extended amounts of time each day. She is very content to lay and stare at her toys and as of late, grab them, jingle them, and occasionally chew on them. William will only tolerate it for so long, as he prefers to sit up in the "jump-jump" or bumbo seat. He has acid reflux so upright positions suit him better.
Great for rocking a baby to sleep when you don't have the energy to walk around the house anymore. It has several settings and sound options to soothe baby and is great for moving around the house so baby can still see you as you get things done. Great place to put baby so you can take a quick shower (you know, the one you might only get every three days in the beginning!).
I'm laughing out loud as I type this, as we call ours the "poop chair," as we get poop diapers and a lot of times, blow outs every time we put one of the twins in our bouncer. I assume it is because it allows them to chill in the reclined position it puts them in. Ours sits in front of our television and serves as a great place to put one baby while mommy nurses the other...Big brother sits next to them and provides entertainment too.
William LOVES to "jump-jump" in the jumper at our house and the saucer at Grammy's house when we visit. I know that Olivia will too once she gains strength and starts enjoying sitting up more. This is a must have at or around the four/five month mark. It allows baby to sit up and play and "jump" which will strengthen their legs for crawling and eventually walking. Make sure you use something underneath it if they aren't "tall" enough to reach the floor on its lowest setting. You don't want their legs to dangle, as it could reduce circulation in their legs causing discomfort.
Rockin' Play Sleeper:
Awesome! We love that it collapses and is light so we can take it anywhere! When our son, Cameron was a baby, it went everywhere with us (friends/family houses, great for hotels, and even the beach (because who want their infant sleeping on the ground or in the sand?). We often use this in the kitchen to allow one of the twins to lay in it by our table so we can use our foot to rock baby while we eat dinner...using two hands! This rarely happens without this life-saving product!
The Mother of all baby products I've seen so far is the 4Moms MamaRoo:
We borrowed this electronic mega chair from a friend who swears by it for comforting a fussy/colicky baby. It mimics the movements of mama with a rocking motion, offers a car motion, wave motion, and more. It also provides sounds to help sooth baby. It comes with a higher price point, but if it provides mama with a little bit of sanity, it just might be worth investing in!
Pack and Play:
We have it set up in the living room, because let's admit it, life goes on around you in spite of baby and sometimes it is just convenient to lay baby down to nap in the pack and play so you can catch up on last night's shows or get a little bit of housework done. It also makes for a great place to change diapers and keep a "changing station" set up in the area of the house in which you will spend most of your time. I know, you spend all of that time/energy/money getting the nursery just right and you most likely only go in there at night...unless it is equipped with a television and mini-fridge. That would be cool.
Lay and Play floor mat:
Olivia LOVES her lay and play time on our jungle themed mat. She cooes and talks to her hanging toys for extended amounts of time each day. She is very content to lay and stare at her toys and as of late, grab them, jingle them, and occasionally chew on them. William will only tolerate it for so long, as he prefers to sit up in the "jump-jump" or bumbo seat. He has acid reflux so upright positions suit him better.
Great for rocking a baby to sleep when you don't have the energy to walk around the house anymore. It has several settings and sound options to soothe baby and is great for moving around the house so baby can still see you as you get things done. Great place to put baby so you can take a quick shower (you know, the one you might only get every three days in the beginning!).
I'm laughing out loud as I type this, as we call ours the "poop chair," as we get poop diapers and a lot of times, blow outs every time we put one of the twins in our bouncer. I assume it is because it allows them to chill in the reclined position it puts them in. Ours sits in front of our television and serves as a great place to put one baby while mommy nurses the other...Big brother sits next to them and provides entertainment too.
William LOVES to "jump-jump" in the jumper at our house and the saucer at Grammy's house when we visit. I know that Olivia will too once she gains strength and starts enjoying sitting up more. This is a must have at or around the four/five month mark. It allows baby to sit up and play and "jump" which will strengthen their legs for crawling and eventually walking. Make sure you use something underneath it if they aren't "tall" enough to reach the floor on its lowest setting. You don't want their legs to dangle, as it could reduce circulation in their legs causing discomfort.
Rockin' Play Sleeper:
Awesome! We love that it collapses and is light so we can take it anywhere! When our son, Cameron was a baby, it went everywhere with us (friends/family houses, great for hotels, and even the beach (because who want their infant sleeping on the ground or in the sand?). We often use this in the kitchen to allow one of the twins to lay in it by our table so we can use our foot to rock baby while we eat dinner...using two hands! This rarely happens without this life-saving product!
The Mother of all baby products I've seen so far is the 4Moms MamaRoo:
We borrowed this electronic mega chair from a friend who swears by it for comforting a fussy/colicky baby. It mimics the movements of mama with a rocking motion, offers a car motion, wave motion, and more. It also provides sounds to help sooth baby. It comes with a higher price point, but if it provides mama with a little bit of sanity, it just might be worth investing in!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Things I can do while holding a baby:
I even amaze myself sometimes at what one can learn to do while holding a baby. Here is a list of the things I accomplished just this week alone. I'm sure I have done more, but these are the ones I recollect from recent days:
1. Go to the bathroom
2. Unload and put away groceries
3. Cook an entire meal (yes, I put the baby down long enough to put things in and pull things out of the oven!)
4. Clean kitchen floor (Woohoo for Swiffer!)
5. Wipe down counter tops (bathroom and kitchen)
6. Pick up toys
7. Put on make-up (sans eyeliner)
8. Make a king sized bed
9. Make a cheese sandwich and cut it into squares (NOT triangles!) for a four year old
10. Dust the living room furniture
11. Fold/Roll towels
12. Sort dirty laundry
13. Change out laundry (washer to dryer, dryer to couch, and hamper to washer~ yes, it takes forever)
14. Send an email
15. Run a bath for a four year old complete with bubbles...then drain the tub and start over because he doesn't want bubbles...(it was one of those days when it wasn't worth the battle~he won that one)
1. Go to the bathroom
2. Unload and put away groceries
3. Cook an entire meal (yes, I put the baby down long enough to put things in and pull things out of the oven!)
4. Clean kitchen floor (Woohoo for Swiffer!)
5. Wipe down counter tops (bathroom and kitchen)
6. Pick up toys
7. Put on make-up (sans eyeliner)
8. Make a king sized bed
9. Make a cheese sandwich and cut it into squares (NOT triangles!) for a four year old
10. Dust the living room furniture
11. Fold/Roll towels
12. Sort dirty laundry
13. Change out laundry (washer to dryer, dryer to couch, and hamper to washer~ yes, it takes forever)
14. Send an email
15. Run a bath for a four year old complete with bubbles...then drain the tub and start over because he doesn't want bubbles...(it was one of those days when it wasn't worth the battle~he won that one)
Impressive Results!
I promise this will be the only time I make a shameless plug for these amazing products! I have to admit, that even though I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the products for my face, I was skeptical about the results that I would have using them on my stretch marks, especially after twins!
Here is my picture (remember, I JUST HAD TWINS!~also ignore the indention from my pants that runs across my stomach in these pictures!):
These are the products I'm using: Microdermabrasion paste, Night Renewing Serum, and the AmpMD Roller
What I've noticed so far, after just three uses: My stretch marks aren't as dark (red/pink in color) as they were and they appear smaller. My skin is getting more taught because of the night renewing serum and by using the microdermabrasion paste, my skin is softer (no dead skin cells hanging around!). The roller allows the products to penetrate deeper into the skin which means FASTER results that are always guaranteed with Rodan + Fields.
I will be coming back to this post in about a month after more regular use of these products with an updated picture to show improvement. If you are pregnant (whether a singleton or multiples) I highly suggest you go ahead and invest in these products. If you have recently had a baby (or babies) this is a must have system and I'd love to see your before and after results! Anyone who becomes a new Preferred Customer (PC) with me by August 31, 2014 will receive a FREE product from me ($20-$24 value) or be reimbursed for their one time PC perk registration ($19.95). What does a PC get you ask? FREE shipping and 10% off of every purchase! You will also be able to get in on exclusive deals for Rodan + Fields PCs! It is a win/win! Want more information about our products or the business? Visit my website and contact me today!
Here is my picture (remember, I JUST HAD TWINS!~also ignore the indention from my pants that runs across my stomach in these pictures!):
These are the products I'm using: Microdermabrasion paste, Night Renewing Serum, and the AmpMD Roller
![]() |
Click Picture for direct link to purchase these products! |
What I've noticed so far, after just three uses: My stretch marks aren't as dark (red/pink in color) as they were and they appear smaller. My skin is getting more taught because of the night renewing serum and by using the microdermabrasion paste, my skin is softer (no dead skin cells hanging around!). The roller allows the products to penetrate deeper into the skin which means FASTER results that are always guaranteed with Rodan + Fields.
I will be coming back to this post in about a month after more regular use of these products with an updated picture to show improvement. If you are pregnant (whether a singleton or multiples) I highly suggest you go ahead and invest in these products. If you have recently had a baby (or babies) this is a must have system and I'd love to see your before and after results! Anyone who becomes a new Preferred Customer (PC) with me by August 31, 2014 will receive a FREE product from me ($20-$24 value) or be reimbursed for their one time PC perk registration ($19.95). What does a PC get you ask? FREE shipping and 10% off of every purchase! You will also be able to get in on exclusive deals for Rodan + Fields PCs! It is a win/win! Want more information about our products or the business? Visit my website and contact me today!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Fitness for New Moms!
I spent way too much time exploring the internet last night to find the latest fad in fitness for women who have recently had babies. I decided that I would have to filter through so many websites and information that it would only end in my being more stressed and less likely to get up and get moving. The fact that I spent so much time "googling" is proof enough right?
I decided to start my own amazon store that is specific to what I am looking into to get back into shape. I will try several workouts, meal plans, etc. and discuss my experiences and findings so that YOU won't have to! Here is a link to some of my favorite finds so far!
See y'all soon!!
I decided to start my own amazon store that is specific to what I am looking into to get back into shape. I will try several workouts, meal plans, etc. and discuss my experiences and findings so that YOU won't have to! Here is a link to some of my favorite finds so far!
See y'all soon!!
Monday, July 21, 2014
4 months
William and Olivia had their four month check up this morning complete with two shots and an orally administered vaccination. William weighs in at 12 lbs. 10 oz. while Olivia is 12 lbs. 3 oz. They are both measuring at 23 1/2 inches long. They have grown so much since birth and are both healthy. William does have a classic case of acid reflux but it is nothing this mama can't handle!
We were sad to say goodbye to our pediatrician, as he is retiring to stay home with his wife who is suffering from M.S. Cameron was excited to present him with a gift as we saw him for the last time. We will miss him but know that we will be blessed by another great doctor soon, as we've yet to be disappointed with our pediatric group. We realized how agonizingly hard it is for a four year old to "hang out" at the doctor's office while his siblings are being checked. Not even the ipad was enough to keep him occupied! He wanted to "help" and "watch" everything, including the shots, which he was grateful not to be getting himself. In the future, he will have to stay home with Grammy or be dropped off at a friend's house for a couple hours.
We were sad to say goodbye to our pediatrician, as he is retiring to stay home with his wife who is suffering from M.S. Cameron was excited to present him with a gift as we saw him for the last time. We will miss him but know that we will be blessed by another great doctor soon, as we've yet to be disappointed with our pediatric group. We realized how agonizingly hard it is for a four year old to "hang out" at the doctor's office while his siblings are being checked. Not even the ipad was enough to keep him occupied! He wanted to "help" and "watch" everything, including the shots, which he was grateful not to be getting himself. In the future, he will have to stay home with Grammy or be dropped off at a friend's house for a couple hours.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Losing weight after twins...
One of the things people constantly told me when I announced that I was having twins was that my body would never be the same. Not even half way through my pregnancy I had people asking me if I was saving for a tummy tuck (as they touched my rapidly growing belly and with little laugh that says "I'm joking but I'm not joking!"). As you can imagine, this DOES NOT make the list of "things every pregnant woman wants to hear!" Of course I took all of the precautions that are recommended during any pregnancy to prevent and/or reduce the stretch marks. I slathered on the lotion several times a day, I drank a lot of water, I got as much sleep as I could, and ate well (No, I didn't eat for three. I ate for one and just slightly increased my calorie intake each day. I took vitamins. I rarely overindulged in things that aren't good for me.). I gained the same amount with the twins that I did when I was pregnant with Cameron. I will admit, I am luckier than most, as I mostly grew out with both pregnancies.
I invested in the "belly band" to wear the day after delivery. I received one from the hospital too. I constantly asked my husband if he'd still find me attractive if I kept on a few extra pounds and had a few extra stretch marks. I let other people freak me out about my own body! No Bueno! So I decided to let things be. My stretch marks are reminders of what I did to bring three beautiful children into this world. My mama pooch may never be the six pack it once was, but it doesn't make me any less of a woman, wife, or mother. It does not define me. God chose me to raise these three blessings and I'm not ashamed of the marks left behind.
With this all being said, I have managed to lose a lot of the weight naturally and people look at me with shocked expressions when they see me (I've actually been looked up and down by complete strangers that see me at the mall pushing my twins and probably think I'm the nanny). I am not a gym buff and have only been four times since delivering the twins. I continue to eat well and I'm nursing (which burns a ton of calories!). I have no "secret" weapon or regimen. My days/schedules aren't consistent enough to be on a diet or have an exercise routine. I lasted for about a week and a half (Plexus Slim~great stuff! I had a lot more energy, but I couldn't keep up with it...maybe in another month or so when we're on a schedule). Here is a picture (believe me: I look better with my clothes ON! lol!):
Notice I still have a pooch. That's okay though. All I have to do is look into the faces of my children to be reminded of how blessed I am to be a mother and that there was once a time when I thought it wasn't a possibility for me at all! GOD is good all of the time!!
I invested in the "belly band" to wear the day after delivery. I received one from the hospital too. I constantly asked my husband if he'd still find me attractive if I kept on a few extra pounds and had a few extra stretch marks. I let other people freak me out about my own body! No Bueno! So I decided to let things be. My stretch marks are reminders of what I did to bring three beautiful children into this world. My mama pooch may never be the six pack it once was, but it doesn't make me any less of a woman, wife, or mother. It does not define me. God chose me to raise these three blessings and I'm not ashamed of the marks left behind.
With this all being said, I have managed to lose a lot of the weight naturally and people look at me with shocked expressions when they see me (I've actually been looked up and down by complete strangers that see me at the mall pushing my twins and probably think I'm the nanny). I am not a gym buff and have only been four times since delivering the twins. I continue to eat well and I'm nursing (which burns a ton of calories!). I have no "secret" weapon or regimen. My days/schedules aren't consistent enough to be on a diet or have an exercise routine. I lasted for about a week and a half (Plexus Slim~great stuff! I had a lot more energy, but I couldn't keep up with it...maybe in another month or so when we're on a schedule). Here is a picture (believe me: I look better with my clothes ON! lol!):
Notice I still have a pooch. That's okay though. All I have to do is look into the faces of my children to be reminded of how blessed I am to be a mother and that there was once a time when I thought it wasn't a possibility for me at all! GOD is good all of the time!!
Sleep escapes me...
I went two nights with little to no sleep this week because the twins are in beginning stages of teething and therefor cranky and congested. The one night I thought I'd be able to catch some zzz's insomnia struck and I only slept for about an hour. What's up with that? Insomnia should know better than to knock on the door of a mom with infants! Surely there is some unwritten rule about it right?
Last night, William slept from 9pm until 5:30am!! Celebration right? Except that I am a mom of twins. Olivia dear decided she would go down at her normal 8pm, wake at 2am in need of a pacifier and again at 3am wanting to nurse. She too would wake at 5:30am. Mind you, hubby is already gone for work at this time. So while nursing one, the other is "stuck" entertaining themselves in their crib (which usually means wailing until big brother Cameron wakes up to join in on the party). So now, I'm sleep deprived, one twin is nursing, one is crying, and our four year old is balled up on the floor crying because he wants me to hold him...Have mercy! I need to grow two more sets of arms. Or get cloned. They still do that right?
Right now, as I type this, EVERYONE in my house is asleep. It's 2pm on Friday and even my hubby is home taking a nap. I try to lay down to do the same...I kid you not, just as I begin to drift off, a baby cries out and I jump up to go check on them. I put the pacifier in their mouth and they drift back off into dream land. I try to lay down again, and I think about the laundry that needs to be changed out so I don't have to wash the load in the washer for a third time. I go to open the dryer, and the clothes are a wrinkled mess. I start it again. I hope I hear the buzzer go off this next time...
I decide to lay on the couch (change of scenery and hey, I just might hear the dryer) and the other twin cries out. Argh! I lay on the nursery floor with a pillow and blanket. Now I have to pee. Forget it. It. Is. Not. Happening. Ever.
Is 2:30 too early to start drinking? LOL!
It's a good thing they are so CUTE!!!
Last night, William slept from 9pm until 5:30am!! Celebration right? Except that I am a mom of twins. Olivia dear decided she would go down at her normal 8pm, wake at 2am in need of a pacifier and again at 3am wanting to nurse. She too would wake at 5:30am. Mind you, hubby is already gone for work at this time. So while nursing one, the other is "stuck" entertaining themselves in their crib (which usually means wailing until big brother Cameron wakes up to join in on the party). So now, I'm sleep deprived, one twin is nursing, one is crying, and our four year old is balled up on the floor crying because he wants me to hold him...Have mercy! I need to grow two more sets of arms. Or get cloned. They still do that right?
Right now, as I type this, EVERYONE in my house is asleep. It's 2pm on Friday and even my hubby is home taking a nap. I try to lay down to do the same...I kid you not, just as I begin to drift off, a baby cries out and I jump up to go check on them. I put the pacifier in their mouth and they drift back off into dream land. I try to lay down again, and I think about the laundry that needs to be changed out so I don't have to wash the load in the washer for a third time. I go to open the dryer, and the clothes are a wrinkled mess. I start it again. I hope I hear the buzzer go off this next time...
I decide to lay on the couch (change of scenery and hey, I just might hear the dryer) and the other twin cries out. Argh! I lay on the nursery floor with a pillow and blanket. Now I have to pee. Forget it. It. Is. Not. Happening. Ever.
Is 2:30 too early to start drinking? LOL!
It's a good thing they are so CUTE!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Whine for Wine
I have a high tolerance for the whine of my children most nights...this is wine for MY whine that I'm talking about. Some evenings I'm so tired that I feel compelled to whine about my lack of sleep, my stench from lack of a shower, and my dirty house. Then I remind myself that all three of my children are BLESSINGS from GOD. I know there are women out there that would love to have such reasons to whine about...So I figured I should exchange my whine for some wine once in a while and sit and count my blessings instead of complain. I've only indulged a couple of times so far, as my tolerance for adult beverages isn't the same as it used to be. I used to brag about my hollow leg! I also used to go out several times a week and show up to work bright eyed and bushy tailed without missing a beat. That was in my twenties. Now that I'm approaching my forties (quicker than I'd like to admit) I'm too tired to open a bottle of wine most nights. LOL!
I'm SO doing a Mickey and Minnie first birthday party! Planning the party will drive me to drink... :)
17 things I've learned in the 17 weeks the twins have been here:
1. I can go approximately three days without a shower.
2. I lose twice as much sleep as I did with my singleton (Cameron). Who needs sleep anyway?
3. I don't mind getting pooped on. I mean a full on blow-out! It happens about three times per week (Thank you Olivia.).
4. It is NOT more convenient to nurse. My entire day must be scheduled around their feeding schedule. This gives me small windows of time to get things done (shower, clean house, do laundry, grocery shop, go to the gym, etc.).
5. Getting out in public only causes more anxiety than staying at home with cabin fever. I swear, if one more person asks me if my BOY/GIRL twins are identical...
6. I really do feel like I'm packing the whole house to take the twins anywhere.
7. It is okay to take only one twin with you to run errands (William is a much better car rider than Olivia because of this~daddy prefers Olivia stay home with him and Cameron, as she is the mellow/easy one! lol!).
8. Hair brush? What's that? Have I even brushed my teeth today? Hmmm...
9. I will NEVER get a chance to go to the bathroom without an interruption again...ever.
10. My normally very well behaved four year old can be up to no good when it gets quiet...He can also serve himself marshmallows for breakfast.
11. Mommies don't get naps often. If I do manage one, it is usually in a very uncomfortable position in a chair or on the couch. I will wake up feeling like I'd been run over by a MAC truck.
12. Not all diapers are created equal. I have tried at least six brands. I still haven't found the perfect diaper for the twins. They all seem to leak. They don't trap in the poop. They don't change themselves.
13. My house will forever be cleaner yesterday than it is today.
14. The days seem long but the months fly by. How is this possible?
15. Acid Reflux SUCKS. I'll say it again. ACID. REFLUX. SUCKS. Poor William...
16. I will never eat a hot/warm meal again (or at least for another 18 years)...or be able to eat without a) holding a baby b) feeding a baby or c) listening to a baby scream their head off while I try to shovel cold food into my mouth.
and finally,
17. My life will never be the same. Twice the blessings, Twice the fun. GOD is good ALL OF THE TIME!
2. I lose twice as much sleep as I did with my singleton (Cameron). Who needs sleep anyway?
3. I don't mind getting pooped on. I mean a full on blow-out! It happens about three times per week (Thank you Olivia.).
4. It is NOT more convenient to nurse. My entire day must be scheduled around their feeding schedule. This gives me small windows of time to get things done (shower, clean house, do laundry, grocery shop, go to the gym, etc.).
5. Getting out in public only causes more anxiety than staying at home with cabin fever. I swear, if one more person asks me if my BOY/GIRL twins are identical...
6. I really do feel like I'm packing the whole house to take the twins anywhere.
7. It is okay to take only one twin with you to run errands (William is a much better car rider than Olivia because of this~daddy prefers Olivia stay home with him and Cameron, as she is the mellow/easy one! lol!).
8. Hair brush? What's that? Have I even brushed my teeth today? Hmmm...
9. I will NEVER get a chance to go to the bathroom without an interruption again...ever.
10. My normally very well behaved four year old can be up to no good when it gets quiet...He can also serve himself marshmallows for breakfast.
11. Mommies don't get naps often. If I do manage one, it is usually in a very uncomfortable position in a chair or on the couch. I will wake up feeling like I'd been run over by a MAC truck.
12. Not all diapers are created equal. I have tried at least six brands. I still haven't found the perfect diaper for the twins. They all seem to leak. They don't trap in the poop. They don't change themselves.
13. My house will forever be cleaner yesterday than it is today.
14. The days seem long but the months fly by. How is this possible?
15. Acid Reflux SUCKS. I'll say it again. ACID. REFLUX. SUCKS. Poor William...
16. I will never eat a hot/warm meal again (or at least for another 18 years)...or be able to eat without a) holding a baby b) feeding a baby or c) listening to a baby scream their head off while I try to shovel cold food into my mouth.
and finally,
17. My life will never be the same. Twice the blessings, Twice the fun. GOD is good ALL OF THE TIME!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Holy COW this is hard to keep up with!
I knew that starting a blog would mean I'd have to actually find time to myself to sit down and actually blog on a regular basis and knew it might be wishful thinking. Now that we are in somewhat of a routine, I hope to get some computer time more frequently uninterrupted. Ha! I can't even remember the last time I had five minutes alone in the bathroom with out fingers peaking at me from under the door or a small voice asking me what I'm doing. He seems to think he HAS to know exactly what I'm doing and whether I'm just peeing or going poop too. Try explaining to your four year old what privacy is and he'll just use it against you. YOU won't actually get any...that's right. When Cameron was "taking care of business" yesterday, I asked him if he was done and ready for me to help him wipe. "Mom, I need privacy. I'll call you when I'm ready. Just wait." What? "When do I get privacy?" I asked him. "Never" was his response. Thanks buddy. I love you too.
I have kept a running list of topics/ideas to blog about so I will be back tracking quite a bit to get those published. In the meantime, here is just a brief update, as I haven't been on here in weeks (since I turned in my work laptop and haven't been able to sit on the couch and blog) and want to get everyone up to speed. The twins are 15 weeks old now and growing fast. Some days are better than others and some nights allow me 5-6 hours straight of sleep, while others have me up every hour or two. I continue to nurse and have slimmed down significantly because of the calories burned (YAY for that!). I started going to the gym last week and wow, I'm out of shape! Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes or doing 3 miles on a stationary bike have me breathing heavy and my heart rate up. It is hard to believe that I grew up playing soccer considering I can't even jog for five minutes without wanting to throw in the towel right now. I know it will get better but in the meantime, I will need to find extra motivation to get my butt out of the house to go on a regular basis.
I am now officially a stay at home mom! #SAHM woohoo! Robert got a new job and very soon after that, a promotion and raise. I resigned shortly after returning to work in May and though it was bittersweet, I'm excited about staying home with the twins and Cameron (only one more year until Kinder!). We are going to try it out for a year and see how things go. I will register as a sub in the district so that I can work if needed or if I need a mental break and a change of pace (I know this will happen at some point and I've been told it is normal, so we'll see). My mom still comes over (Thank GOD for her!) Monday- Friday and I love not only her help, but her company. It is nice to have adult conversations and get a shower every once in a while too! I think I'm in the same outfit for the third day now...It is time to remedy that. I'm checking in on the twins and hitting the shower now! I'll sign off for now, but intend to sit down and get some blogs done over the next few days! Whew!
I have kept a running list of topics/ideas to blog about so I will be back tracking quite a bit to get those published. In the meantime, here is just a brief update, as I haven't been on here in weeks (since I turned in my work laptop and haven't been able to sit on the couch and blog) and want to get everyone up to speed. The twins are 15 weeks old now and growing fast. Some days are better than others and some nights allow me 5-6 hours straight of sleep, while others have me up every hour or two. I continue to nurse and have slimmed down significantly because of the calories burned (YAY for that!). I started going to the gym last week and wow, I'm out of shape! Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes or doing 3 miles on a stationary bike have me breathing heavy and my heart rate up. It is hard to believe that I grew up playing soccer considering I can't even jog for five minutes without wanting to throw in the towel right now. I know it will get better but in the meantime, I will need to find extra motivation to get my butt out of the house to go on a regular basis.
I am now officially a stay at home mom! #SAHM woohoo! Robert got a new job and very soon after that, a promotion and raise. I resigned shortly after returning to work in May and though it was bittersweet, I'm excited about staying home with the twins and Cameron (only one more year until Kinder!). We are going to try it out for a year and see how things go. I will register as a sub in the district so that I can work if needed or if I need a mental break and a change of pace (I know this will happen at some point and I've been told it is normal, so we'll see). My mom still comes over (Thank GOD for her!) Monday- Friday and I love not only her help, but her company. It is nice to have adult conversations and get a shower every once in a while too! I think I'm in the same outfit for the third day now...It is time to remedy that. I'm checking in on the twins and hitting the shower now! I'll sign off for now, but intend to sit down and get some blogs done over the next few days! Whew!
Twins' First 4th of July!
Cameron went with daddy to the fire station today!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Night Nursing
We are in a pretty good routine at nights right now and I hope it continues to improve. The twins are sleeping 3 1/2-4 hours at a time. Once one starts to stir, I go into the nursery to attend to them. I change their diaper using the light from the night light, as I don't want to interrupt the soothing sleeping environment. In more cases than not, while nursing whichever baby woke up first, the other wakes up ready to nurse. I think it is like a sixth sense. They seem to know when the other is eating and want in on the action. Thankfully hubby comes to their rescue and soothes them while I finish with the first. We then do a switcheroo and I change the diaper of and nurse the second twin. Hubby burps the first baby then settles them back into their crib before heading back to bed himself. The entire process takes up about 30 minutes of my night with each feeding (around12am and 4am). Then I head back to bed for the next 3 1/2 to 4 hours hoping to fall back into a slumber quickly. I'll admit that I'm jealous of those out there with singleton's sleeping 5 and 6 hours at a time at 6 weeks old, but considering I'm exclusively nursing twins and have them on this tight of a schedule, I shouldn't complain. I know others are a lot worse off and a lot more sleep deprived (even mamas with singletons!). Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows that just a few short weeks ago, I was miserable due to lack of sleep. One night in particular, I didn't sleep at all! The twins were over demanding on that particular night...eating every two hours and on opposite hours so I was literally up nursing, burping, soothing, and changing diapers all night. On another night, my mom came to the rescue, as my hubby got ill and wasn't able to help out with night time feedings for fear of being contagious. I know there are still a lot of long nights ahead of us and will be grateful for whatever sleep I can get!
6 weeks in!
Our twins are six weeks old today! Wow! Time is passin by way too fast! I just returned home from my post-op appt and thought I should update you all on how things are going since it has been a while since my last post. As you can imagine, it has been very busy in the Carlyle household! The twins are "almost" on a schedule. :) I am excited to announce that they are sleeping up to four hours at a time each night so mama can get some rest too. I am nursing them back to back and I believe they sense me in the room (or the mama milk), as I've yet to have to wake whomever is still snoozing when I go in the room. I'll be nursing one, and the other wakes just in time to have their turn. It isn't always in the same order, so maybe they have a secret language that signals to each other? I've heard twins have their own language. I can't wait to see what other schemes they have up their sleeves. Oh the adventures we have ahead of us!
In the past few weeks we've celebrated Cameron's 4th birthday, William and Olivia's one month milestone, and hubby's acceptance of a new job. Easter was spent at home as a family where we spent time counting our blessings. Cameron also enjoyed his last solo egg hunt. My mom and I wrangled the kids for a trip to the mall for pictures too.
Entertaining our four year old while keeping the twins happy has been a balancing act. Hubby spends time with Cameron outside as often as possible each evening playing baseball, soccer, or letting him ride his scooter. We've gone on family walks and we're helping him grow his own garden in the backyard thanks to grandpa's handy-work.
We're gradually getting into a daytime routine and taking advantage of nap time whenever possible. I'm learning to take naps in the middle of the day which has never been easy for me, but most often I'm using this time to tackle household chores. I've decided that doing one major chore a day is less overwhelming than trying to clean the entire house in one day. Laundry gets done one day, another the bathrooms, the floors the next, etc. The dishes get done daily (or at least loaded into the dishwasher) and I wipe down counters as needed. I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but for now, it is working.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Baby Take Over
When you are married to an ex-Army man, everything has a place, and there is a place for everything...until you have a baby...or two! LOL! The twins have taken over our house. Our living room in particular. I look around me now and see two car seats, two bobby pillows, two swings, a bouncer, a rocking recliner, and a pack and play. Then there are the blankets, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, basket of creams, pacifiers, etc. Oh, and did I mention the miscellaneous items left laying around by our four year old?
I have lofty goals of "cleaning" one room/area of the house per day so as to not feel overwhelmed with house work. Well, I'll have you know, that in spite of the daily straightening up and organizing, the house never "looks" clean or organized...I have a sign that I used to have posted in my apartment during my single days. I think it is time to bust it out again. "My house was clean yesterday, Sorry you missed it!" :)
Lucky for me, my hubby has found a tolerance for the baby take over and understands that it won't last least the swings, etc will only stick around for a year or so. Then it will be time for a garage sale! Maybe we'll make enough to pay for a maid? I'm hopeful!
I have lofty goals of "cleaning" one room/area of the house per day so as to not feel overwhelmed with house work. Well, I'll have you know, that in spite of the daily straightening up and organizing, the house never "looks" clean or organized...I have a sign that I used to have posted in my apartment during my single days. I think it is time to bust it out again. "My house was clean yesterday, Sorry you missed it!" :)
Lucky for me, my hubby has found a tolerance for the baby take over and understands that it won't last least the swings, etc will only stick around for a year or so. Then it will be time for a garage sale! Maybe we'll make enough to pay for a maid? I'm hopeful!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Shout Out to "Mintly Made!"
I have to give a shout out to my beautiful and talented step-daughter for the birth stat boards she made for each of our blessings. Thank you Kristin for these beautiful chalk board creations! Those of you looking for something like this (ANY occasion) contact her via Facebook through her "Mintly Made" page!
Big Sister, Kristin Jungers with William and Olivia.
Kristin and her hubby, Brody, are blessing us with a grand-daughter this summer! We are TRIPLE blessed with babies this year! Cameron, William, and Olivia will love having a niece as a playmate!
Big Sister, Kristin Jungers with William and Olivia.
Kristin and her hubby, Brody, are blessing us with a grand-daughter this summer! We are TRIPLE blessed with babies this year! Cameron, William, and Olivia will love having a niece as a playmate!
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